We left Canyonlands National Park and headed for Colorado. We decided to stop and stay at a Walmart in Grand Junction, CO and then stay at another Walmart in Vail, CO, because we could not get a spot in Rocky Mountain NP until Monday night (due to the Memorial Weekend Holiday).
On the way to Grand Junction we saw signs for the Dinosaur Museum and the Colorado National Monument. Joe was pretty excited about the Dinosaur Museum so we went and checked it out. Luckily enough we got a discount on our tickets since we are AAA members, AAA coming through! It was really interesting, they found a lot of dinosaur fossils in Colorado. They had a bunch of exhibits and a movie telling how and what they found. I took a bunch of pictures of the bones and exhibits, check them out!
After the Dinosaur museum we were really close to the Colorado National Monument so we decided to drive up there, but we were a little retarded and didn't look at our gas gauge and so we had to turn around, so we did not see very much. Of what we did get to see they had a balanced rock like at Arches NP, it almost looked the same just in different scenery.
Grand Junction was a little hardcore for Joe and I. We drove through town a little bit trying to find cheap gas and I am not too sure I liked what I saw. Yea they had beautiful mountains and scenery, but the town itself was a little sketchy. We saw hardcore hillbillies (ie: Confederate flag, lifted trucks, etc.) and we also saw some gangsters (like East L.A. gangsters). After our little drive through town we headed to the Walmart to see if we could find a movie theater (it is what we do when we have downtime in a town we do not really want to explore). We found one and decided to see the new Angels and Demons movie, it was pretty good, book was better, but sparked some good conversations between Joe and I.
We woke up the next morning and headed East towards Vail, Co. We thought there was going to be a Walmart there, so that is why we were heading there (and also it was on the way). The weather had been pretty grime for the past couple days and it really seemed like we were following the storm as we drove. I drove the beginning part of the trip to Vail. It was a beautiful drive, we got to follow the Colorado River a lot of the way and then another river, which I cannot remember the name of right now. We drove through some cool tunnels and then wayyyyyyy up into the Rocky Mountains. I was pretty proud of myself that I drove the truck and trailer through some of the Rocky Mountains (but the part that Joe drove was a lot harder).
We stopped in Vail to double check the map and figure out which city to head to since they did not have a Walmart (google maps on the iphone can be a little deceiving sometimes). We decided to stay at the Walmart in Evergreen because it would be just another 2 hours to get to Rocky Mountain NP from there.
Joe hopped into the driver's seat and drove the hardest part through the Rockies, we got up to 14,0000 elevation! We got to Evergreen and there was actually a McDonald's not in the Walmart so it had wifi!!! We also found a movie theater in town! So we went and saw Terminator Salvation, which was pretty awesome! Also because it was raining on and off we saw a rainbow!!!!
The next day we were heading to Rocky Mountain National Park!
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