After all the excitement of Slide Rock we were pretty run down when heading to Zion. It was going to be about a 5 hour drive from Flagstaff, AZ, because we had to go the long way since we were not sure the truck and trailer were going to fit through the east entrance tunnel. About a little over half way to Zion we ran into Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, which is home to Lake Powell. I had seen some pictures of Lake Powell but did not know much about it. We were thinking of maybe trying to stay at another Walmart and not go straight to Zion because we were so tired but when we stopped for gas right near Lake Powell I asked the attendant if there were any cheap campgrounds in or around Lake Powell. He told us we should check out Lone Rock, said it might be like $15 but was just a sandy beach.
On the way to where we were told Lone Rock was we stopped at the Glen Canyon N.R.A. visitor center and asked a ranger, she told us yes we could camp at Lone Rock and showed us the way. We were totally shocked when we got there, we hit the jackpot. It only cost $10, there were water and dump facilities (just not personal ones you could stay hooked up to) and then you drove further down and literally parked 20 feet from the water. Once again I was in heaven because I got to swimming! (it was still freaking hot!) We got to veg out, make a bonfire, and chill out before heading to Zion, it was a great side track.
When you are not on a schedule you are not technically a day behind, Zion was not going anywhere, and I forgot to mention we didn't actually have a campground reserved until the next night, so Lake Powell was perfect!
No really now we are on our way to Zion!
lots offunn u can comment sum of ur excitements on my blog as im tryn 2 build tht so ppl we talk on tht hav gud day