It's June! Cannot believe that we have been on this trip for almost a month. We have seen many things, but time is flying by way tooooo fast!
After Santa Fe we headed down to the infamous town of Roswell, NM. As we got closer we started to see some pretty strange stuff. We headed over to the local Walmart (you would believe how many there are and how many we have seen) and there painted on the outside of the Walmart were aliens and spaceships! I have to assume that everyone knows why Roswell is famous. If you do not here is a little recap. In 1947 a rancher who lived just outside of Roswell claimed he saw a flying object crash and land near his ranch. At the crash site he found debris that he did not recognize, took it into the local sheriff, who also could not identify. The events that followed were in the headlines in all major newspapers and started one of the largest conspiracy theories.
Let's just say that the town of Roswell took this conspiracy and ran with it. There were aliens and flying saucers on everything from the Walmart to the fast food chains. Everything was UFO themed!!! Even the street lights were topped with alien faces! (Joe was a little freaked out! haha)
The next morning we got up and I thought it would be cool to check out the International UFO Museum and Research center. Wow was I wrong. We paid $5 to get into the most ghetto museum I have ever seen. It looked like a bunch of crazy stoners collected their UFO crap together and hung it on the walls in this museum. Add some "B" movies and art and apparently you have an International UFO museum. I took my $5 worth of photos and we got out of there. WOW.
We headed on down to Carlsbad, NM to hit up our next RV park.
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